R & D
Research and Development Department (R & D ):
In today’s competitive world, organization survival is dependent on the quality of service provided to their customers. Undoubtedly, not only price but the quality also affects the choice of customers. To keep up with the breakneck pace of technology, organizations should try to equip themselves with the necessary basics to cater to the needs of consumers. For professional outcome, there needs to be practical research that leads to diverse products to suit different needs.
To reach these goals, in 2015, Gam Afarin Company was founded to do market research for developing new products both qualitatively and quantitatively, regarding aluminum rings, reducing costs, improving productions, etc.
In general, this unit is responsible for bringing about technological changes to the production line and renovating its production to provide for domestic and foreign markets based on managerial policies.
Moreover, using strategic market research, exploring international markets, products features, required standards, a variety of rings in the markets, this unit intends to pave the way to introduce Gam Afarin Company to the global market.